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September 2024

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to our class.  During the year we have parents’ evenings that give us the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, however our door is always open and if you have any comments or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.  

Now that your child is in Year 5 or 6 there are some routines that we follow to help develop their independence.  Within class, children will be encouraged to question and research topic areas that interest them, take responsibility for their own learning through provision, challenge learning, making them a more confident, independent learners.

PE:  PE is on a Friday with a coach and once a week with their teacher..  However we ask that your child brings in a full indoor and outdoor school PE kit, including outdoor trainers, on a Monday morning and leaves it in school for the week.

Please ensure that all of your child’s clothing is clearly labelled as each year we seem to have more and more stray clothing.  If it is labelled it is easier to find and return to the owner.

Homework: Each week your child will bring home maths and  spelling homework.  These will be spellings that are appropriate for your child’s ability.  They will be tested each week.  Please help your child to learn their spellings.  The New Curriculum puts a great emphasis on spelling, punctuation and grammar and the children will be tested on this throughout the year and at the end of the learning cycle (3 times a year).

As well as this, the children are expected to read at home at least 4 times a week.  This is to help them with fluency and understanding of what they are reading and to develop a love of reading.  All of the books that your child brings home are suited to their ability.  Children who regularly read at home make more rapid progress with understanding as their fluency does not slow them down.  As the children are getting older, it is still important that they read to an adult.  However, we do understand that they like to read independently and if they wish to, they can do this if you don’t mind just asking them a few questions about their reading to ensure that they are gaining a good understanding. We ask that you record when you have listened to them read so that we can monitor this at school too.

Topic homework is also set and this gives the children the experience of independent learning.  This usually is in the form of a project and the children have a number of weeks to complete this.  This is a fantastic opportunity for you to be involved in your child’s learning journey and them working with you will only enhance their learning experience.  When the homework is returned to school the children will have the opportunity to share and discuss their homework with the class.

To support children with their maths we ask children to practise their times tables, using hit the button, as this has become a key focus for the government in the last few years, children can also practise their maths skills by logging onto prodigy maths -a maths game we sign them up to in school.

Key Stage 2 children are able to go home alone at the end of the day (please inform if this is the case),  if there are any changes to collection  please notify the office so that we can let the children know as soon as possible.  We do appreciate that things often change at the last minute but for your child’s safety please contact us and not other parents, as often messages get confused.

We also ask that any correspondence with school including dinner money/reply slips are handed to the class teacher in the classroom.  The children are now old enough to be responsible for their own things and this is a good lesson for them to learn for secondary school.  It also helps to relieve pressure on the office so that they can deal with the important issues that arise at busy periods.

We hope that this helps you to understand some of the routines that take place on a weekly basis.  We look forward to working with you this year to ensure that your child makes maximum progress and continues to have a love of learning.

Many thanks

Mrs Prosser

Please find below the overview for the Autumn Term 2024

High Flyers Autumn Newsletter – Egypt