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The pupil premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. Pupil premium funding is available to both mainstream and non-mainstream schools, such as special schools and pupil referral units. Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to the underlying school budget, in a way they think will best support raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.

At Riston Church of England Primary Academy, a targeted and strategic use of pupil premium funding supports us in achieving our vision:

– We ensure that high quality teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all the pupils.
– We ensure that effective and appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, through rigorous assessments of their needs.
– We recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free schools meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil of groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged. A majority of any group will be made up of FSM children.









