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Robins Curriculum News and Overview

Tuesday 5th September

Our Theme

Welcome to our first newsletter which will give you a broad outline of what your child will be learning this term. Our themes this term are ‘What makes me marvellous’ and ‘People who help us’. For the first few weeks we will be focussing on settling into our routines and getting
to know our classroom environment. We will be exploring starting school, the different things  that make us who we are, our homes and where we live and children in other cultures. After this we will move onto People who help us, we will be focussing on the different ways that
people in our community can help us and also the different jobs they do. We are going to have visitors in school telling us all about their jobs. We will have plenty of opportunities in continuous provision to explore different jobs and have a go at roleplaying these.


Phonics is a way of teaching children how to read and write. It helps children hear, identify and use different sounds that distinguish one word from another in the English language.

FS1 – Children in FS1 will complete phase 1. Phase 1 phonics develops a child's ability to
listen to, make, explore and talk about sounds. Throughout this phase children will develop their speaking and listening skills. In this phase we complete activities such as listening to environmental sounds, sing songs and rhymes and explore the sounds that we can hear in

FS2 – Children in FS2 move onto phase 2 phonics in the autumn term and will progress through phases 3 and 4 before they start Year 1. Riston uses the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised as our phonics scheme. We started this scheme last autumn and have
seen our children make excellent progress in our phonics over the last year. Below you can see an overview of the letters and sounds we will be covering over the autumn term. Your children will learn the names of the letters, the sounds they make and how to form them
correctly. In phase 2 we also learn how to sound out and blend letters to create words.


Reading (FS2)

In FS2 your child will start to bring home reading books. We start this early in Autumn 1 where the children will begin to read wordless books. In these reading sessions we begin to develop reading and comprehension skills. In Autumn 2 we will move onto books with words.
Reading at this stage is done in small reading groups, where we will complete three reads a week in school. In these three reads we will focus on decoding, prosody and comprehension. After three reads and if we feel your child is reading the book fluently we will send the book home for you to read the book together. We will also send children home each week with a library book of their choosing. This is not a book we expect them to be able to read but a book for you to enjoy together to promote a love of reading.

Collection of Children

Could we please ask that you either send in a written note or pop us a note on Tapestry if someone different will be collecting your child. It can be very busy in a morning at the door so this will enable us to keep a track of collections.


Please keep logging in to Tapestry and commenting on your child’s activities. It is really useful for us to see your comments and it can also provide a further talking point with the children. We think Tapestry is really beneficial in supporting our home/school links. We will
also be adding home learning tasks onto Tapestry for you children to complete and it is great for us to see pictures of them doing this. We would appreciate any feedback you have on the Tapestry app, please note this down or speak to a member of staff.


Please can you make sure all items of clothing are named, this helps us return anything that is lost to the owner straight away. We are asking if you can please provide your children with either sandshoes or sensible slippers that slip on over the heel and will not fall off. Please
can you also ensure your child is sent with the correct PE uniform, for indoor PE this includes a pair or royal blue shorts and a royal blue t-shirt. Please send your child with indoor kits, our PE day will be a Wednesday every week.

Mrs Buckton, Mrs Preston and Mrs Gill
The EYFS Team


Please find a link to the PDF of this document – Curriculum news and overview 2023_24

Please follow the link to the Long Term Plan – EYFS LPT Riston Cycle 1

Here is a link to our Welcome Letter – Autumn 2023 –  2023_24 Welcome Letter (1)

Here is a link to our Knowledge Organiser for the Autumn Term 23-24  – Knowledge Organiser for the Autumn Term 23-24

Here is a link to our Knowledge Organiser for the Summer Term 223-24 – Knowledge Organiser for the Summer Term 23-24